• VBSA labellisé ECOVADIS

Colle pare-brise MS-POLYMER 505 HM - Multi supports et matières chez VBSA - France
  • Colle pare-brise MS-POLYMER 505 HM - Multi supports et matières chez VBSA - France
  • Colle pare-brise MS-POLYMER 505 HM - Multi supports et matières chez VBSA - France
  • Colle pare-brise MS-POLYMER 505 HM - Multi supports et matières chez VBSA - France
  • Colle pare-brise MS-POLYMER 505 HM - Multi supports et matières chez VBSA - France

Colle pare-brise MS-POLYMER 505 HM - Multi supports et matières


Colle à pare-brise multi-supports et matières  MS-POLYMER est haut module à basse conductivité, sans isocyanate.

Certifiée FMVSS212

La colle MS polymer s'utilise généralement pour des collages verre/tissu ou toile (ex: cabriolet, etc..)

Temps de séchage: 1h avec 2 airbags

Conditionnement :

Cartouche 290 ml: Vendue à l'unité ou en carton de 12

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Reference: 769


Nettoyant vitre / pare-brise 5L - Démoustiquant -769

Enlève les traces d'huile, d'insecte et de poussière. Utilisé dans l'industrie, l'automobile et le bâtiment. Produit de nettoyage des pare-brise, vitres et rétroviseurs. Vendu en bidon de 5L Existe aussi: - en aérosol de 750ml - Réf.768 et en bidon de 20L réf.770

Reference: SB-880

Lunettes de protection résistantes aux chocs

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Table pare-brise ajustable avec système verrouillage des pieds

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Dégraissant universel pour le traitement de surface sans alcool - 1 Litre

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Reference: 6200

Ruban adhésif renforcé et fibré noir 50mm

Pour la protection de toutes surfaces sensibles (garde-boue, angle de capot ou pavillon pendant la découpe d’un pare-brise)! Le ruban adhésif est aussi très performant pour fixer les vitres qui viennent seulement d’être installées et leur évite de descendre une fois la pose effectuée.

Reference: CC-1058

GANTS NITRILE élastiques et extensibles (NON POUDRÉS)

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NOUVEAUTÉS ADAPTATION 2023:  Voyant de batterie lumineux Bras rotatif : permet de positionner le bras avec le support à ventouses à plusieurs endroits du véhicule, notamment vers l'avant en cas de manque de place sur le côté. ÉLU PRIX CARROSSERIE DE L’ANNÉE 2017: Prix carrosserie Voir la vidéo technique ici: Vidéo ULTRAPOSE-EVOLUTION

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Corde à piano Nylon - ø 1,1 mm - 100ML

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Toile protectrice Capot - Mousse adhérente PVC

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Conservateur individuel de cartouche entamée - SADURR®

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RAPTOR - Système de découpe pare-brise à dépression automatique

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Reference: BLACKNIT

Gants nitrile Noir de protection (non poudrés) épais spécial réparation divers

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Microfibre en fibre de carbone - nettoyage vitrage - Lot de 5

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Reference: LA-200

Laine d'acier pour retirer les traces difficiles sur tous vitrages et inox

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30 other products in the same category:

Reference: BIGKIT501FC-400

Windshield bonding BIG kit saussage 501FC - VERY FAST CURING ( bonding + cleaner + primer)

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FOR VOUR SAFETY Our windshield bondings have been tested and validated by TUV (crash tes!) + OEM (used by manufac!urers as original equipment). Standard FMVSS208/212. Products on the market for over 20 years. SAVETY DRIVE-AWAY TIME 501FC-HM-LC-HV: Curing time (23°-50%) Airbags: 30 minutes If you regularly change windshield bonding, choose our BIG KIT for...


Reference: 460

Butyl 460 sealant for all glass with or without seals

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A polyvalent product, it can be used to waterproof both spot-welded and demountable elements (e.g. sliding roofs).  Butyl mastic sealing used for camper van roof window. The product is permanently elastic and resistant to UV rays. High solids content. Colour: black Packaging : Sold individually in 310 ml cartridges or in box of 12.


Reference: 530-30

530 special glass/metal primer for windshield bonding preparation

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Our glass/metal primer is a black,  the curing of which is both physical and chemical.content solvent to prepare the windshield and the pinchweld befor the bonding. Primer 530 promotes polyurethane adhesion and protects against UV rays. It also has preventive anti-corrosion properties. If there are traces of rust on the bodywork, it is imperative to use...


Reference: LA-200

Steel wool for removes difficult marks from all types of glass and inox parts

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Steel wool specially designed to remove difficult marks from all types of glass (e.g. paint mist, whitish solvents, glue residues, etc.). DO NOT USE ON VEHICLE MIRRORS (rear-view mirrors) Can be used to improve adhesion to screen printing. Use dry. Blow well after use to remove metal dust. FOR WINDOWS : - removes light scratches - cleans dirt without...


Reference: 6200

Reinforced black fibrous adhesive tape 50mm

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For protection of all sensitive surfaces (mudguards, hood corners or headlining during windscreen cutting)! Adhesive tape is also very effective for securing windows that have just been installed, preventing them from sliding down after installation.


Reference: 501K-310

501k polyurethane windshield bonding agent - FAST - Casual process

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FOR VOUR SAFETY Our windshield bondings have been tested and validated by TUV (crash tes!) + OEM (used by manufac!urers as original equipment). Standard FMVSS208/212. Products on the market for over 20 years. FAST-drying, one-component polyurethane bonding agent that reacts with humidity in the air to form a strong and elastic seal. The adhesive is used...


Reference: VNT-306

EQUALIZER® cutting nozzle tools for windshield bonding or other applications

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Equalizer® VNT306 nozzle clamp The nozzle clamp makes it fast- curing and easy to make an exact V-notch in the nozzle tip of the polyurethane cartridge. This is important for efficient work! Because a bonding bead has to be applied with care. Simply cut the nozzle tip to the required opening width, insert the pliers into the opening as far as they will go...


Reference: 770


Window / windshield cleaner 20L - Mosquito repellent -770

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Eliminates traces of oil, insects and dust. Used in industry, cars and construction. For cleaning windshields, windows and outside mirrors. Sold in 20L drums Also available - 750ml aerosol - Ref.768 and 5L drum - Ref.769



Poster windshield bonding process without primer (PRIMERLESS)

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Primerless windshield bonding poster (PRIMERLESS) detailing the various stages in the bonding process for automotive glass. Available for export only with a product order. No delivery possible on its own


Reference: KIT501FC-HM-LC-HV-400

Windshield bonding kit 501FC - VERY FAST CURING ( bonding + cleaner + primer)

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FOR VOUR SAFETY Our windshield bondings have been tested and validated by TUV (crash tes!) + OEM (used by manufac!urers as original equipment). Standard FMVSS208/212. Products on the market for over 20 years. SAVETY DRIVE-AWAY TIME 501FC-HM-LC-HV: Curing time (23°-50%) Airbags: 30 minutes Our 501FC windshield bonding kit contains : - 1x 310 ml cartridge...


Reference: PEN100-AEROSOL

Body-hollow anticorrosion wax (clear)

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Our hollow-body anticorrosion wax (clear) is a highly effective solution for rust prevention in closed cavities and on stored or transported metal parts. Formulated with wax and corrosion inhibitors, it leaves a transparent, waxy protective film, repelling water and offering excellent corrosion resistance. Features : - Transparent protective film:...



Double-sided adhesive tape (6-12-19-25mm x 10ml)

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This high-quality double-sided adhesive tape is the ideal tool for automotive professionals, designed specifically for bonding exterior and interior vehicle components. Perfect for attaching decorative trim, emblems, monograms, bumper beads, gaskets and other accessories, it offers a powerful, long-lasting bond that stands up to the demanding conditions...


Reference: F1K

F1K windshield bonding - FAST - Primerless (Application without primer)

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PRIMERLESS windshield bonding. FAST PRIMERLESS application is different from the traditional application, it consists of using our F1 activating cleaner followed by the "F1K" polyurethane bonding agent compared to the traditional application composed of 3 products (degreaser, primer and bonding). VEHICLE CURING TIME Curing time (23°-50%) Airbag: 1 hour -...


Reference: BIGKIT501K-400

Windshield bonding BIG kit saussage 501K - FAST CURING ( bonding + cleaner + primer)

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FOR VOUR SAFETY Our windshield bondings have been tested and validated by TUV (crash tes!) + OEM (used by manufac!urers as original equipment). Standard FMVSS208/212. Products on the market for over 20 years. SAVETY DRIVE-AWAY TIME 501K: Curing time (23°-50%) - Airbag: 1 hour - Airbags: 2 hours If you regularly change windshield bonding, choose our BIG...


Reference: BOB-CHAM

Cleaning paper made of cellulose wadding (2 rolls of 1000 sheets)

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  Wadding cleaning paper PEFC certification, PEFC Label.     Suitable for food contact     Controlled consumption thanks to sheet-by-sheet distribution.     Sheet dimensions: 340 x 257 mm - perforated.     Roll length: 350 m     Diameter of the roll: 30 cm     Grammage: 2 x 19g/m².     Pack of two rolls of 1000 sheets = 2000 sheets Sold in sets of 2...


Reference: KZS-163

KZS-163 cutting nozzle tools for windshield bonding or other applications

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Cutting nozzle tool for windshield bonding and other applications. The nozzle clamp makes it quick and easy to make an exact V-shaped cut in the nozzle tip of the polyurethane cartridge. This is important for good work! Because a bonding line must be applied with precision. Simply cut the tip of the nozzle to the required opening width.


Reference: 3300

Bi-component glass/metal bonding 3300 -10g

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Easy to bond glass and metal together and on top of each other. Temperature resistant from -20°C to + 80°C, with a short access to 120°C.. Drying time: 3min Thixotropic Possibility to fill holes until 6mm. Vertical application possible, good chemical resistance, transparent bonding.


Reference: 550-250

Multiprimer 550 black application on galvanised metal, fibreglass, etc.

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Specially developed for use on galvanized sheet metal, aluminium, steel, reinforced fibreglass, polyester, etc... (ex. cars without a driving licence, etc.) Facilitates adherence of the polyurethane to the substrate, prevents damage to the seal caused by UV rays, prevents rust, and has low conductivity. sold in 250 ml bottles or box of 12


Reference: 2130

Glue remover and before painting cleaner 25L for bodywork cleaning

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Warning: Do not use as an activator or windshield cleaner. CKW-free silicone remover - free from chlorine derivatives. Fast-drying surface cleaner that completely removes silicone, grease and oil before painting vehicles. Before painting, it easily removes sanding dust, mastics, undercoats and films of oil and grease (which form silicone), to provide a...


Reference: 501FC-310

Polyurethane Windshield Bonding 501FC-HM-LC-HV - SUPER FAST - Traditional application - 30min Airbags!

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FOR VOUR SAFETY Our windshield bondings have been tested and validated by TUV (crash tes!) + OEM (used by manufac!urers as original equipment). Standard FMVSS208/212. Products on the market for over 20 years. FAST-drying, one-component polyurethane bonding agent that reacts with humidity in the air to form a strong and elastic seal. The adhesive is...


Reference: 9505140

Cutting pliers for universal joints

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The KNIPEX rubber and universal joint cutter is a high-quality professional tool designed to cut various types of rubber joints easily and precisely. Its sturdy, ergonomic design makes for a comfortable grip and high precision when cutting. Ideal for bodybuilders, garages and other professionals who need to cut gaskets cleanly, these pliers are suitable...


Reference: FLEXIBLEPEN100

Aerosol hose - 60cm

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This 60 cm hose is the ideal tool for applying hollow-body aerosol products in hard-to-reach areas. Its length enables the product to be effectively sprayed inside closed cavities, ensuring optimum anti-corrosion protection. Features: - 60 cm length to reach inaccessible areas - Even product distribution in cavities - Compatible with hollow-body aerosols...
