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VBSA France pnömatik iç ve dış temizlik tabancası
  • VBSA France pnömatik iç ve dış temizlik tabancası



Araçların hızlı ve verimli bir şekilde temizlenmesi için ideal çözüm.

Temel özellikler:

  • Çift fonksiyonlu: Temizlik ve hızlı kurutma için hassas bir püskürtme sağlar, çeşitli malzemeler ve yüzeyler için uygundur.
  • Çok yönlü kullanım: Kapalı alanları, koltukları, tavan lambalarını, halıları ve tüm iç ve dış araç yüzeylerini temizlemek için idealdir.
  • Pratik: Kolay kullanım ve sorunsuz çalışma için entegre bir dönme tertibatı ile donatılmıştır.
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Bağlantı parçasıolmadan tedarik edilir: Bağlantı parçası ile uyumludur (ref. raccord1-4male)

Technical characteristics:

Konektör 1/4
Hava basıncı 90 psi/6.3 bar
Hava tüketimi 188 l/min
Ağırlık 0.67kg
Ses emisyon basıncı (LpA) 87.86 dB (en ISO 15744
Akustik güç seviyesi (LwA) 98.85 dB en ISO 14744)
LpC 92.10 dB en ISO 14744)
Titreşim seviyesi
Ölçüm toleransı (standart)

0.38 m/sec² (EN 28662-1)

0.19 m/sec² (EN 28662-1)

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Referans: SL30

Vücut Şampuanı - 30L

Parlak bir görünüm için güçlü, derinlemesine temizlik Temel özellikler: Maksimum etkinlik: Derinlemesine temizlik yaparak “yol filmini” ve kabuklaşmış kirleri temizler. Optimum yapışma: Elektrostatik etkisi sayesinde kaportaya yapışır. Negatif yüklü partiküller bir mıknatıs gibi sac levhaya çekilir ve onun tarafından tutulur. Kullanımı kolaydır: Optimum...

Referans: SB-880

Darbeye dayanıklı güvenlik gözlükleri

Güvenlik gözlükleri Camla çalışırken koruyucu gözlük takmak kesinlikle çok önemlidir. Darbeye dayanıklı gözlüklerimiz çoğu gözlüğün üzerine rahatlıkla takılabilir. Gözlüklerimizin avangart şekli gözlerinizi yandan ve önden korur.

Referans: CC-1058

NITRILE elastik ve streç eldivenler (NON-POINTED)

Hammadde: Nitril kauçuk. Doğal kauçuk lateks içermez. Eldiven üretiminde kullanılan bileşenler bazı kullanıcılarda alerjik reaksiyonlara neden olabilir. Mükemmel bir biyolojik bariyer sağlayan kaliteli nitril eldivenler. Aşırı sıcaktan (40°C, 104°F) kaçınarak serin ve kuru bir yerde saklayın. Açık kutu doğrudan güneş ışığından ve UV ışınlarından...

Referans: 7280

Susuz yıkama mendilleri

Hızlı, ekolojik ve zahmetsiz yıkama Temel özellikler: Susuz yıkama: Karoseriyi suya ihtiyaç duymadan etkili bir şekilde temizler ve tüm kirliliği ortadan kaldırır. Çok yönlü kullanım: Sivrisinek, katran, ağaç reçinesi, kirlilik ve diğer yaygın kirleri gidermek için idealdir. Kusursuz yüzey: Kuruma izi bırakmadan kaportayı parlak ve su itici bırakır....

Referans: VB20010005

Dış cephe temizleyici - 5L

Kapsamlı ve ekonomik temizlik için profesyonel verimlilik. Temel özellikler: Olağanüstü performans: 1 adet 5 litrelik kutu, konsantre formülü sayesinde yaklaşık 150 aracı temizler. Yağ giderme gücü: Bu çok amaçlı temizleyici, dış yüzeyleri yenilerken en inatçı kir ve kalıntıları etkili bir şekilde giderir. Koruma ve bakım: Araç bakımı için özel olarak...

Referans: VB2020005

Nettoyant intérieur - 5L

Tüm yolcu bölmesi için eksiksiz, etkili temizlik. Temel özellikler: Optimum performans: 1 adet 5 litrelik kutu yaklaşık 150 aracı temizler. Çok yönlülük: Tüm araç içi yüzeyler için uygundur: kumaş, plastik, deri, ahşap, metal, cam ve çok daha fazlası. Profesyoneller için vazgeçilmez: Müthiş etkinliği ve çok yüzeyli uygulaması sayesinde araç detaycıları...

Referans: LING-80

Tutkal, macun, reçine vb. için temizleme mendilleri.

LING-80, tüm yüzeylerdeki kaporta işleri, marangozluk ve kamu işleri için idealdir.LING-80, profesyoneller için özel olarak geliştirilmiş, cam yapıştırıcılarının izlerini ve birikintilerini gidermek için kullanılan bir mendildir:- ön cam yapıştırıcısı- alüminyum veya PVC doğrama montaj yapıştırıcısı- bitüm lekeleriLING-80 mendil ellerinize karşı naziktir....

Referans: BLACKNIT

Siyah koruyucu nitril eldiven (pudrasız), kalın, çeşitli onarımlar için özel

Profesyonel, çok amaçlı kullanım için tasarlanmış pudrasız siyah nitril eldivenlerimizle ellerinize optimum koruma sağlayın. Kullanım için öneriler : Aşırı sıcaktan uzak , serin ve kuru bir yerde saklayın (maksimum sıcaklık: 40°C). UV ışınlarından ve doğrudan güneş ışığına maruzkalmaktan korunmak içinaçık teneke kutu. Paketleme 100'lük kutularda...


Karbon fiber mikrofiber - cam temizliği - 5'li paket

İz veya kalıntı bırakmadan kusursuz cam temizliği için özel olarak tasarlanmış karbon fiber mikrofiberimizi keşfedin. Gelişmiş karbon fiber teknolojisi sayesinde bu ultra yumuşak mikrofiber toz, kir ve parmak izlerini kolayca toplarken su ve temizlik ürünlerinin izlerini de ortadan kaldırır. Yıkanabilir ve tekrar kullanılabilir, hassas yüzeylere saygı...

Referans: ASP-20-PACK

Taşınabilir pille çalışan süpürge, emer ve üfler

Pille çalışan süpürge 2 pil ve 1 şarj cihazı ile birlikte verilir TEKNİK ÖZELLİKLER araç üstü aksesuar deposu yıkanabilir su/toz filtresi yüksek güçlü 130V / 200W motor küçük işler için ideal araç üstü hortum deposu 10L katı/sıvı kapasitesi Ø37,5 mm hortum - uzunluk 1,8 m vakum 95 ila 150 mbar Ağırlık: 3,85 kg gürültü: 80dB özerklik : 30 dakika...

30 other products in the same category:

Reference: VB2020005

Interior Cleaner - 5L

Complete, effective cleaning for the entire passenger compartment. Key features: Optimum performance: 1 5-liter canister cleans around 150 vehicles. Versatility: Suitable for all vehicle interior surfaces: fabric, plastic, leather, wood, metal, glass and much more. Indispensable for professionals: Ideal for car detailers thanks to its formidable...

Reference: LA-200

Steel wool for removes difficult marks from all types of glass and inox parts

Steel wool specially designed to remove difficult marks from all types of glass (e.g. paint mist, whitish solvents, glue residues, etc.). DO NOT USE ON VEHICLE MIRRORS (rear-view mirrors) Can be used to improve adhesion to screen printing. Use dry. Blow well after use to remove metal dust. FOR WINDOWS : - removes light scratches - cleans dirt without...

Reference: 2130

Glue remover and before painting cleaner 25L for bodywork cleaning

Warning: Do not use as an activator or windshield cleaner. CKW-free silicone remover - free from chlorine derivatives. Fast-drying surface cleaner that completely removes silicone, grease and oil before painting vehicles. Before painting, it easily removes sanding dust, mastics, undercoats and films of oil and grease (which form silicone), to provide a...

Reference: SL210

Body Shampoo - 210L

Powerful, deep cleaning for radiant bodywork Key features: Maximum effectiveness: Removes “road film” and encrusted dirt by deep-cleaning. Optimum adhesion: Thanks to its electrostatic effect, it adheres to the bodywork. Negatively charged particles are attracted and retained by the sheet metal like a magnet. Easy to use: Recommended dilution of 8-10% in...

Reference: 398

Anti-corrosion copper spray - 400ml

A professional product for bodywork, welding and decoration. Key features: Pure copper-enriched formula: Contains 99% pure copper, offering optimum protection and a quality finish. Anti-corrosion properties: effectively protects metal surfaces against rust and wear. Facilitates spot welding: Specially designed to improve welding performance on bodywork...

Reference: 975

Lubricant release spray - 400ml

A powerful solution for effectively unlocking and lubricating your mechanisms. Key features: High penetrating power: Quickly penetrates rusted or blocked areas. Rapid action on rust: Effectively dissolves rust, making it easier to unlock seized mechanisms. Lubricating function: Reduces friction and ensures smooth operation of treated parts.

Reference: VB20010005

Exterior Cleaner - 5L

Professional efficiency for thorough, economical cleaning. Key features : Exceptional efficiency: 1 5-litre canister cleans around 150 vehicles thanks to its concentrated formula. Degreasing power: This multi-purpose cleaner effectively removes the most stubborn dirt and residues while renovating exterior surfaces. Protection and care: Enriched with...

Reference: 394

Matt black sanding guide - 400ml

A must-have for your bodywork, with a precise, versatile finish. Key features : Acrylic base paint: Very fast-drying formula offering high coverage and excellent application properties. Sanding guide: Allows easy visualization of irregularities for precise, optimum sanding. High pigmentation: faithfully restores the original color for a professional...

Reference: 1024

Black plastic restorer spay - 400ml

Restore your vehicle's plastic components to their original granulated appearance with this black plastic restorer spray. Ideal for bumpers, spoilers, side moldings and other parts, this product is used before painting for a professional result that complies with manufacturers' standards. Packaging: Format: Black aerosol, 400ml. Also available in grey:...

Reference: POLY2

Pressure sprayer -1L

A practical, versatile tool for your professional applications. Key features: Pressure sprayer: Provides even, controlled distribution of liquids. Swivel head: Provides flexibility to reach hard-to-reach areas. Optimum capacity: 1-liter tank capacity

Reference: POLY1500

Pressure sprayer with foam nozzle - 1.5L

An economical and efficient solution for your professional cleaning needs. Key features: Versatility of use: Perfect for window cleaning and suitable for acidic products. Adjustable nozzle: Made from polyethylene, it offers precise control for a jet tailored to your needs. Practical features: Possibility of locking the lever for a continuous jet,...

Reference: PUL500

Sprayer - 500ml

Compact and practical for precise, efficient application. Key features: Versatile sprayer: Ideal for even distribution of liquids in a variety of bodywork and garage jobs. Convenient size: Compact 500 ml size, easy to handle and carry. Robust design: Ensures long-lasting performance even under heavy use.

Reference: L400

satin black lacquer - 400ml

A versatile paint, ideal for elegant, professional finishes. Key features: High-quality satin black: Provides a smooth, elegant finish suitable for a wide range of surfaces. Fast drying: Reduces waiting time, ideal for fast, efficient work. High coverage: Guarantees uniform application in one or two coats. High pigmentation: Perfectly restores the...

Reference: 252

Water-repellent white grease aerosol - 400ml

A high-performance lubricant to protect and maintain your moving parts. Key features: Thixotropic formula: Ideal for parts subjected to high pressure, shock and oscillation. Provides long-lasting lubrication even under extreme conditions. Excellent adhesion: Stays in place on all surfaces, even during continuous movement. Water- and corrosion-repellent:...


Carbon fiber microfiber - glass cleaning - pack of 5

Discover our carbon fiber microfiber, specially designed for impeccable window cleaning without leaving streaks or residues. Thanks to advanced carbon fiber technology, this ultra-soft microfiber easily picks up dust, dirt and fingerprints, while eliminating traces of water and cleaning products. Washable and reusable, it offers long-lasting performance...

Reference: 783

Plastic renovator (cockpit spray) - 500ml

Give new life to your plastic surfaces with this specially formulated plastic renovator to leave a neat, matte gloss finish. Packaging: Available in a practical 500 ml aerosol for easy, even application.

Reference: 1942

Grey plastic restorer spray - 400ml

Restore your vehicle's plastic components to their original granulated appearance with this gray plastic restorer spray. Ideal for bumpers, spoilers, side moldings and other parts, this product is used before painting for a professional result that complies with manufacturers' standards. Packaging : Format: Gray aerosol, 400ml. Also available in black :...

Reference: BOB-CHAM

Cleaning paper made of cellulose wadding (2 rolls of 1000 sheets)

  Wadding cleaning paper PEFC certification, PEFC Label.     Suitable for food contact     Controlled consumption thanks to sheet-by-sheet distribution.     Sheet dimensions: 340 x 257 mm - perforated.     Roll length: 350 m     Diameter of the roll: 30 cm     Grammage: 2 x 19g/m².     Pack of two rolls of 1000 sheets = 2000 sheets Sold in sets of 2...

Reference: SL30

Body Shampoo - 30L

Powerful, deep cleaning for radiant bodywork Key features: Maximum effectiveness: Removes “road film” and encrusted dirt by deep-cleaning. Optimum adhesion: Thanks to its electrostatic effect, it adheres to the bodywork. Negatively charged particles are attracted and retained by the sheet metal like a magnet. Easy to use: Recommended dilution of 8-10% in...

Reference: MS-40-400

Metal protection lubricant - 400ml

Versatile and effective, the ideal companion for protecting, releasing and cleaning your metal mechanisms. Key features: Long-lasting protection: Protects metal against rust and corrosion, extending the life of surfaces and mechanisms. Efficient release: Quickly frees jammed mechanisms for smooth operation. Water-repellent action: Repels moisture to...

Reference: 2105

Glue remover and before painting cleaner 5L for bodywork cleaning

Warning: Do not use as an activator or windshield cleaner. CKW-free silicone remover - free from chlorine derivatives. Fast-drying surface cleaner that completely removes silicone, grease and oil before painting vehicles. Before painting, it easily removes sanding dust, mastics, undercoats and films of oil and grease (which form silicone), to provide a...

Reference: 7007

Eraser (emblem and body sticker)

The ideal tool for clean, efficient removal. Key features: Versatile use: Designed to remove stickers, emblems, monograms and other adhesive elements from vehicle bodies. Surface-friendly: Ensures stripping without damaging paint or treated surfaces. Practical and fast: for precise, efficient work, ideal for bodywork professionals.

Reference: RC900

Rust converter, rust remover, phosphating - 400 ml aerosol

This rust converter, rust remover and phosphating agent is an innovative solvent-free solution formulated with copolymer latex and reactive organic agents. It actively neutralizes rust by transforming it into a stable organic iron complex, while creating an impermeable barrier against oxygen and moisture, preventing any future corrosion. Characteristics:...

Reference: 7280

Waterless wash wipes

Fast, effortless and environmentally-friendly washing Key features: Waterless cleaning: effectively cleans bodywork without the need for water, eliminating all pollution. Versatile use: Ideal for removing mosquitoes, tar, tree resin, pollution and other common soiling. Impeccable finish: Leaves bodywork shiny and water-repellent, with no drying marks....

Reference: 771

Canister tap

Make it easy to dose and dispense your products with precision Key features: Compatibility: Specially designed for REF.SL30 and REF.SL210 body shampoo canisters. Practical: Allows easy, clean drainage, avoiding waste and overflow. Robust and durable: Made from quality materials to withstand intensive use in the workshop.

Reference: RC800

Phosphate rust remover converter - 1L

This phosphating rust remover is an innovative solvent-free solution, formulated with latex co-polymers and reactive organic agents. It actively neutralizes rust by transforming it into a stable organic iron complex, while creating an impermeable barrier against oxygen and moisture, preventing future corrosion. Features: - 2-in-1 action: strips rust and...