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Lastik plakal? Ayarlanabilir ön cam sehpa alet saklama çantas? ile


Lastik plakal? Ayarlanabilir ön cam sehpas? alet saklama çantas? ile

- 115 cm x 182 cm x 88 cm
Load capacity: 180 kg

Lütfen oturum aç fiyatlar? görüntülemek için hesab?n?za


Güvenli ödeme


ÜCRETS?Z KARGO150,00 € vergi hariç (Metropolitan France)


Sertifikal? organizasyon

Accessoires indispensables

REF 04200101 için lastik ayak
REF 04200101 için lastik ayak
Lastik plakal? Ayarlanabilir ön cam sehpa
Lastik plakal? Ayarlanabilir ön cam sehpa
tk Adjustable windshield trestle
tk Adjustable windshield trestle

Table à pare-brise à ventouses équipée d'une trousse de rangement pour les outils.Une tringle est également prévue pour fixer une bobine d'essuyage.Les pieds sont munis d'une nouvelle technologie d'installation avec des goupilles de verrouillage, permettant un montage simple et efficace.

Format 115 cm x 182 cm x 88 cm
Capacité de charge: 180 kg

REF-V-04200101 : ventouse de table pare-brise REF-04200101

Ürün Detaylar?
Bunu da be?enebilirsin

Referans: V54


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Referans: RAPTOR

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The  Raptor™ is a cord and wire auto glass removal device designed from the ground-up to dramatically improve the power of the vacuum cup with the integration of our AirForce™ Constant Vacuum Cups. This technology has been specifically developed to create a quick placement and constant vacuum to the glass so the Raptor™ stays in place and resists...

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