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Kauçuk conta gresi - 1kg VBSA Fransa'da
  • Kauçuk conta gresi - 1kg VBSA Fransa'da
  • Kauçuk conta gresi - 1kg VBSA Fransa'da

Kauçuk conta gresi - 1kg


Kaporta profesyonelleri ve garajlar için özel olarak tasarlanmış bir ürün olan Kauçuk Conta Gresimiz - 1kg ile kauçuk contaların bakımını ve dayanıklılığını optimize edin.


Kapı, bagaj ve ön cam contalarının bakımı için idealdir.

Aşırı sıcaklık değişimlerine, UV ışınlarına ve kimyasal maddelere maruz kalan contaları korur.

Zorlu koşullar altında bile gıcırdamayı azaltır ve conta esnekliğini artırır.

Lütfen oturum aç fiyatlar? görüntülemek için hesab?n?za


Temel özellikler :

Koruma ve uzun ömür: Kauçuk contaları kurumaya, çatlamaya ve deformasyona karşı beslemek ve korumak için formüle edilmiştir.

Mükemmel sızdırmazlık: Su, toz ve titreşime karşı optimum yalıtım sağlayarak conta yapışmasını ve geçirimsizliğini artırır.

Çoklu malzeme uyumlu: Motorlu taşıtlar, endüstriyel makineler ve diğer ekipmanlardaki kauçuk contalar için uygundur.

Kolay uygulama: Elle, fırçayla veya aplikatörle hızlı ve eşit uygulama için homojen doku.

Ürün Detaylar?
Bunu da be?enebilirsin

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Üniversal fitil • 9.5 mm x 22,8 m

Üniversal fitilMükemmel uyum ve yap??ma. Dü?ük s?cakl?klarda bile esnektir. Butil yap??t?r?c?l?- Çatlamaz, zay?flamaz, formu bozulmaz REF-JU101• 9.5 mm x 22,8 mFor T4 ÜNIVERSAL F?T?L ÜRÜNLER?M?Z? KE?FETMEK ?Ç?N .LÜTFEN ÖRNEKLER? SORUNUZ.Kapsad??? otomobilleri gösteren ayr?nt?l? bir liste ile birlikte verilir. Araç uygulama listesi

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Üniversal fitil 19 mm x 22,8 m

Üniversal fitilMükemmel uyum ve yap??ma. Dü?ük s?cakl?klarda bile esnektir. Butil yap??t?r?c?l?- Çatlamaz, zay?flamaz, formu bozulmaz REF-JU107- 19 mm x 22,8 mFor T4 ÜNIVERSAL F?T?L ÜRÜNLER?M?Z? KE?FETMEK ?Ç?N LÜTFEN ÖRNEKLER? SORUNUZ.Kapsad??? otomobilleri gösteren ayr?nt?l? bir liste ile birlikte verilir Araç uygulama listesi

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Üniversal fitil • 31 mm x 22,8 m

Üniversal fitilMükemmel uyum ve yap??ma. Dü?ük s?cakl?klarda bile esnektir. Butil yap??t?r?c?l?- Çatlamaz, zay?flamaz, formu bozulmaz REF-JU109• 31 mm x 22,8 mFor T4 ÜNIVERSAL F?T?L ÜRÜNLER?M?Z? KE?FETMEK ?Ç?N .LÜTFEN ÖRNEKLER? SORUNUZ.Kapsad??? otomobilleri gösteren ayr?nt?l? bir liste ile birlikte verilir Araç uygulama listesi

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Yumu?ak üniversal fitil • 5 mm x 22,8 m

Yumu?ak üniversal fitil Güçlü yap??ma. Çok esnek kauçuk.Astar?n kolayca ç?kar?lmas? REF-JPU5• 5 mm x 22,8 m ÜNIVERSAL F?T?L ÜRÜNLER?M?Z? KE?FETMEK ?Ç?N .LÜTFEN ÖRNEKLER? SORUNUZ..Kapsad??? otomobilleri gösteren ayr?nt?l? bir liste ile birlikte verilir Araç uygulama listesi

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Yumu?ak üniversal fitil• 7 mm x 22,8 m

Yumu?ak üniversal fitil Güçlü yap??ma. Çok esnek kauçuk.Astar?n kolayca ç?kar?lmas? REF-JPU7M• 7 mm x 22,8 m ÜNIVERSAL F?T?L ÜRÜNLER?M?Z? KE?FETMEK ?Ç?N .LÜTFEN ÖRNEKLER? SORUNUZ..Kapsad??? otomobilleri gösteren ayr?nt?l? bir liste ile birlikte verilir Araç uygulama listesi

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Yumu?ak üniversal fitil • 9.5 mm x 22,8 m

Yumu?ak üniversal fitil Güçlü yap??ma. Çok esnek kauçuk.Astar?n kolayca ç?kar?lmas? REF-JPU9• 9.5 mm x 22,8 m ÜNIVERSAL F?T?L ÜRÜNLER?M?Z? KE?FETMEK ?Ç?N .LÜTFEN ÖRNEKLER? SORUNUZ..Kapsad??? otomobilleri gösteren ayr?nt?l? bir liste ile birlikte verilir Araç uygulama listesi

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Siyah koruyucu nitril eldiven (pudrasız), kalın, çeşitli onarımlar için özel

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30 other products in the same category:

Reference: AST-120

Telescopic magnet

Telescopic magnetWhen you work above all in the door or chassis frame of the vehicle, a screw may fall and it may be impossible to pick it up with your fingers. With this telescopic magnet, you no longer have this problem. The telescopic device is extendable from 12 (corresponding to the size of a ballpoint pen ) to 60 cm. The strong magnet is capable to...

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Battery pack for RAPTOR Kit

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Rubber cleaner

Rubber Cleaner is specially designed to clean and restore the appearance of all your rubber components such as seals, rubberized hubcaps, suction cups and similar surfaces. It effectively removes dirt and residues and restores the shine of rubber, prolonging its durability and appearance. Caution: This product is not recommended for certain plastics or...

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Window and door clip removal tool

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Spatula curved to remove the clips

Curved Door Upholstery Remover For removing plastic fasteners in confined places. It is the same upholstery remover as the one shown above, but it is instended for use on the front part of the door where the door jam will often interfere with the removal of the door panel. Place the notch in the tool over the fastener and pry the fastener out the hole. It...

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EQUALIZER® cowling clip removal tool

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Life hammer for breaking glass and cutting belts

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Water-repellent white grease aerosol - 400ml

A high-performance lubricant to protect and maintain your moving parts. Key features: Thixotropic formula: Ideal for parts subjected to high pressure, shock and oscillation. Provides long-lasting lubrication even under extreme conditions. Excellent adhesion: Stays in place on all surfaces, even during continuous movement. Water- and corrosion-repellent:...

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Flexlight bulb

flexlight mini torch with flexible shaftA screw has been lost? There is a leak in the engine compartment? A connector is hidden under the dash? This mini torch with flexible shaft will give you the needed light-in dark or hidden places. It can even become one of the most useful tools to you. Needs two LR6/AM3/AA batteries (delivered without batteries ).-...

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Magnetic bowl

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KZS-163 cutting nozzle tools for windshield bonding or other applications

Cutting nozzle tool for windshield bonding and other applications. The nozzle clamp makes it quick and easy to make an exact V-shaped cut in the nozzle tip of the polyurethane cartridge. This is important for good work! Because a bonding line must be applied with precision. Simply cut the tip of the nozzle to the required opening width.

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Mechanical pick up

Mechanical pick up The use of telescopic magnet could be sometimes impossible to use because of non ferrous items. It is times like these when you need our Mechanical Pick-Up. It is designed with steel fingers that are spring-loaded that will grip an item up to 2,5 cm in diameter.

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Rearview Mirror Installer

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REF. MK-201Lockout tool setIt can easily happen that you lock yourself out, while working on customer cars. This setallows to solve this situation. Open the car door without damaging the paint, moulds andliners.. The tool kit is supplied with instruction manual.Careful, this set will not work on recent vehicles with electronically controlled locking systems

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Tool declipsor

Tool declipsor SPRINGERTOOL The distinct precision curvature of the Springer Clip Removal Tool provides a varaible load distribution, safely moving the load point along the tool as more leverage is applied The tapered tip allows entry under closely fitted parts and the rounded edges avoid damage to the trim or vehicle. No matter a body shop you will be...

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Rechargeable batteries for RAPTOR Kit - Set of 4

Rechargeable batteries for RAPTOR kit - Warning note that these batteries are compatible with our RAPTOR kits with a serial number prior to R0005372. If in doubt, please contact us. Sold in packs of 4 For information: 4 batteries are required for the RAPTOR device.

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Compact C-clip remover

Compact C-clip removerC-clip removers are an item that every technician has inhis toolbox, but those C-clips removers will not alwaysfit into the tight spots and compound curves on somevehicles. The Compact C-clips remover has a flat designthat will let you use it from all sides. This handy tool isdefinitely one that no technician should be without.REF....

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Clip removal tool

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Glue joint smoother/extractor

Simplify your finishing and joint removal jobs with this versatile tool designed for professionals. Key features: Dual function: Allows you to even out glue joints for a perfect finish and easily remove joints (silicone, PU). Convenient use: work is performed with one hand, saving time and facilitating handling. Precision and cleanliness: Guarantees...