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Jeu Coupe-Fil Operateur Unique Dépose pare-brise France
  • Jeu Coupe-Fil Operateur Unique Dépose pare-brise France
  • Jeu coupe -fil opérateur unique
  • Jeu coupe -fil opérateur unique
  • Jeu coupe -fil opérateur unique

Tek ki?ilik tel kesme aleti


Tek ki?ilik tel kesme aleti
Tek ki?ilik tel kesme aleti
Bu alet, arac?n içinde oturan ve kesim yaparken teli tutan ikinci bir ki?i gibi hizmet sunmaktad?r.
Döner aparata ikinci bir ki?i gibi davranan biryay eklenmi?tir; Kesiminizi yapmak için teli çekin ve yaylar teli geri çeksin.
Yay, arac?n içinde ön cam?n?n ortas?na yerle?tirilen bir vakum kab?na ba?l?d?r.
Rulman üzerine monte edilmi? bir alüminyum döner tutucu telin çevrimini sa?lar.
Bir ki?i, camlar çok büyükte olsa, kolayca yaln?z çal??abilir.

Tek ki?ilik tel kesme aleti
- 185 x 185 x 140 mm
- 940 g

?çerik: - Tek-ki?i sistem REF-ON talebe göre
- Örgülü kesme teli, REF-SD22
- Tel geçirici, REF-AIG-125
- Tutma kolu, REF-REF-PAIG-200

Lütfen oturum aç fiyatlar? görüntülemek için hesab?n?za

Accessoires indispensables

Wire gripping handles corkscrew shape)
Wire gripping handles corkscrew shape)
Örgülü tel, makarada
Örgülü tel, makarada
tk T handles wire threader
tk T handles wire threader

Jeu coupe-fil opérateur unique


L’appareil joue le rôle d’une seconde personne qui retire le fil à couper
après chaque mouvement de coupe. Il tire le fil et coupe le cordon de
collage, et le ressort retire le fil de sorte que vous pouvez procéder à une autre coupe. Il est fixé à l’aide de la ventouse intégrée sur le centre du
pare-brise à l’intérieur du véhicule.
Un ressort est fixé sur le bras pivotant en aluminium qui tourne sur un
roulement à billes. Ce ressorre retire le fil dans une position quelconque.
De cette façon, une seule personne peut découper aisément même des
vitres assez grandes.

Jeu coupe-fil opérateur unique
185 x 185 x 140 mm • 940 g
Comprenant :
- système un seul opérateur, REF-SUR demande
- corde à piano torsadée, REF-SD-22
- aiguille d’amorce, REF-AIG-125
- poignée de tirage, REF-REF-PAIG-200

Ürün Detaylar?

Veri Sayfas?

940 g
1 kit
185 x 185 x 140 mm
Bunu da be?enebilirsin

Referans: PAIG-200

Wire gripping handles corkscrew shape)

Tel kavrama kollar? Problemsiz ve h?zl? çal??mak için ideal çözüm. Kama ?aft üzerindeki delikten teli geçirin (?ekil A), ?aft?n ist k?sm?ndaki delikten çevirin (?ekil B) ve tekrar geni? plastik tutama??m içine getirin. ?aft? tekrar tutama??n içine do?ru bast?rarak, telin yuvas?nda s?k??t?r?lmas?n? sa?lay?n (?ekil C). Tel k?saltmak için, ?afta alt...

Referans: SD-22

Örgülü tel, makarada

Örgülü tel, makaradal Makara üzerinde bükülmüş piyano teli. REPAREGLASS ø 0,80 mm, uzunluk: 22 m, Plastik makaraya sarılmış. 1083 NEWTON Kesilecek tel, üç güçlü paslanmaz çelik telden tam spesifikasyonlarımıza göre bükülür. Tel tipik "altın" renginde anodize edilmiştir.

Referans: DSS-175

Tek ki?ilik tel kesme aleti

Tek ki?ilik tel kesme aletiREPAREGLASSTek ki?ilik tel kesme aletiBu alet, arac?n içinde oturan ve kesim yaparken teli tutan ikinci bir ki?i gibi hizmet sunmaktad?r.Döner aparata ikinci bir ki?i gibi davranan biryay eklenmi?tir; Kesiminizi yapmak için teli çekin ve yaylar teli geri çeksin. Yay, arac?n içinde ön cam?n?n ortas?na yerle?tirilen bir vakum...

Referans: AIG-125

tk T handles wire threader

Sadece teli çentikli uca yerle?tirin ve alete içeriden di?ar?ya do?ru bast?rarak mastikten geçirin. Bu ?ekilde cam? ç?karabilrsiniz. Tel geçiricisinin düz yüzeyini her zaman camda bulundurun, böylece oyuk boru zarar görmeyecektir. - 120 x 26 x 10 mm - 20 g

20 other products in the same category:

Reference: VKD-44A


SQUARED CUTTING WIRE in a spool- Size: 0.6mm - 44 ML

SQUARED CUTTING WIRE in a spool REPAREGLASS Surprising but true! The cutting resistance of the squared wire is far higher than the one of the common round wire. Try it, you will see!Squared wire - 0,6 x 0,6 mm,- length: 44m, on plastic spool.- 100 x 22 mm - 110 g

Reference: DGL-201S

Wire gripping handle with sucker

This handle can be stuck to the glass to go around the vehicles front and grab it from the other side a real good idea and a really handy tool!

Reference: PAIG-200

Wire gripping handles (corkscrew shape)

Wire gripping handlesIdeal solution to work rapidly and without problem. Feed the wire through the hole in the wedge shaft (fig A), loop it through the hole at the top of the shaft (fig B) and then bring it back into the large plastic handle. By pressing the wedge back into the handle, the wire is held in place (fig C). To shorten the wire, press down on...

Reference: VKD-22A


Squared cutting wire - Size 0.6mm - 22ML

Squared cutting wire REPAREGLASS Surprising, but true! The cutting force of square wire is far superior to that of common round wire. Try it out for yourself, you'll be amazed! REF-VKD-22 Square wire. 0.6 x 0.6 mm, length: 22 m, wound on plastic spool. 691 NEWTON

Reference: AIG-730

T-handles wire threader

Just lay the wire in the notched tip and pass it through the polyurethane by pushing the tool from the inside to the outside.In the way, you can release the window. Always place the flat surface of the wire threader on the window, so that the hollow tube is not deformed.- 120 x 26 x 10 mm - 20

Reference: AIG-125

T-handles wire threader

Just lay the wire in the notched tip and pass it through the polyurethane by pushing the tool from the inside to the outside.In the way, you can release the window. Always place the flat surface of the wire threader on the window, so that the hollow tube is not deformed.- 120 x 26 x 10 mm - 20 g

Reference: DST-58

Curved wire threader 58 mm (package at 3 pièces)

Curved wire threader:The curved wire threader anables threading of the cutting wire evenwhere the gap between glass and pinch weld is very small.This is especially helpful on side and back windows where conventionalwire threaders are often difficult to use.The curved threader can be pushed through the adhesive bead from insideto outside or from outside to...

Reference: DST-53

Curved wire threader 53 mm (package at 3 pièces)

Curved wire threader:The curved wire threader anables threading of the cutting wire evenwhere the gap between glass and pinch weld is very small.This is especially helpful on side and back windows where conventionalwire threaders are often difficult to use.The curved threader can be pushed through the adhesive bead from insideto outside or from outside to...

Reference: AIG-300

Wire guide

The wire guide's long, narrow shaft allows positioning the wire so it prevents the dash and interior mouldings from being damaged. Recommended above all for cars with a high windshield slope or with a bottom window bond that is hardly accessible. Of course, the wire guide can also be used from the outside.- 350 x 38 x 38 mm - 220 g

Reference: XKD-44A

Square piano wire for windshield cutting - 0.7 x 0.7 mm - 44ML

Discover our new REF-XKD-44 square piano wire, designed to offer exceptional strength and meet the most demanding needs. Applications: Used for precise cutting of windscreens and automotive glazing, this rope is a must-have for bodybuilders and garages. Its sturdy, square design ensures a firm grip and greater efficiency when removing glass and similar...

Reference: AIG-789

Straight wire threader

Many technicians remove windshields by starting the wire through the top and bottom center of the windshield, then cutting towards each side. So as to push the cutting wire into the urethane, especially where there is a wide surface of urethane, we recommend using the wire threader. The slot (1,2 mm only) and the cutting wire are pushed together into the...

Reference: DST-734BUS

T-handle wire threader special bus and trucks

Special wire threader for bus and trucks with 2 holes ( for square or braided wire and nylon wire.) The end of the needle has a special designed in order to introduce easy the wire through the urethane. Push it in the urethane, insert the wire inside the tube, remove the wire threader and lead the wire throughout the urethane, in order to be able to pic...

Reference: SD-21

Braided wire - ø 0,80 mm - 22.5M

Braided wire21 ml REPAREGLASSBraided wire The braided wire is made of three stainless steel resistant wires that are braided to one strand. The wire is anodized (with a traditional gold colour). It has a 0.80mm diameter.

Reference: SD-22

Braided wire in a spool - - ø 0,80 mm - 22ML

Braided wire in a spool REPAREGLASS ø 0.80 mm, length: 22 m, Wound on a plastic spool. 1083 NEWTON The wire to be cut is twisted according to our exact specifications from three strong stainless steel wires. The wire is anodised in a typical "gold" colour.

Reference: GCN-100

Nylon wire - ø 1,1 mm - 100ML

L: 100M 2500 NEWTON Nylon wire- Diam 1.1mm ESPECIALLY DESIGN FOR THICK AND HEAVY PU Ideal for : -Old urethane -Thick and heavy PU -Trims which must not brake ( clips – fastener – spacers) -Brakes at an high tensile strength -Reusable length ( from about 2 to 4 applications) -Do not scratch surfaces -Could be use with most of the ratchet systems...

Reference: BOB-1.5-ROLL-OUT

Round wire in a spool REPAREGLASS - ø 0,80 mm, 1500 ml

Round wire in a spool The round profile and the small diameter make this wire a real problem solver for todays cars with narrow gaps between glass and body. It has the same high tensile strength than the VKD-44but offers at the same time as much lower risk to damage interior linings and dashboards.679 Newtonø 0,80 mm, 1500 ml

Reference: DST-734

T-handle wire threader with hole

REF-DST-734 T-handle wire threader with hole Just lay the wire in the notched tip and pass it through the polyurethane by pushing the tool from the inside to the outside.In the way, you can release the window. Always place the flat surface of the wire threader on the window, so that the hollow tube is not deformed.120 x 26 x 10 mm • 20 g