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One-man wire cut-out tool


One-man wire cut-out tool
One-man wire cut-out tool
This tool acts like another person sitting inside the vehicle pulling the wire back after you have
made your cutting stroke.
Attached to the swivel is a spring that acts as a second person; you pull the wire out to make your cut and the springs pulls the wire back in.
The spring is attached to a vacuum cup that is placed in the center of the windshield inside of the vehicle.
An aluminium swivel, riding on a ball bearing, allows the swivel to follow the wire.
One person can easily work alone, even when windows are pretty large.

One-man wire cut-out tool
- 185 x 185 x 140 mm
- 940 g

Contains: - One-man system, REF-ON request
- Braided sawing wire, REF-SD22
- Wire threader, REF-AIG-125
- Gripping handle, REF-REF-PAIG-200

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Accessoires indispensables

Wire gripping handles (corkscrew shape)
Wire gripping handles (corkscrew shape)
Braided wire in a spool -  - ø 0,80 mm - 22ML
Braided wire in a spool - - ø 0,80 mm - 22ML
T-handles wire threader
T-handles wire threader

One-man wire cut-out tool
One-man wire cut-out tool
This tool acts like another person sitting inside the vehicle pulling the wire back after you have
made your cutting stroke.
Attached to the swivel is a spring that acts as a second person; you pull the wire out to make your cut and the springs pulls the wire back in.
The spring is attached to a vacuum cup that is placed in the center of the windshield inside of the vehicle.
An aluminium swivel, riding on a ball bearing, allows the swivel to follow the wire.
One person can easily work alone, even when windows are pretty large.

One-man wire cut-out tool
- 185 x 185 x 140 mm
- 940 g

Contains: - One-man system, REF-ON request
- Braided sawing wire, REF-SD22
- Wire threader, REF-AIG-125
- Gripping handle, REF-REF-PAIG-200

Product Details

Data sheet

940 g
1 kit
185 x 185 x 140 mm
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One-man wire cut-out tool

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