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Adjustable windshield trestle


Adjustable windshield trestle
- width multi-adjustable for different lengths and weights so as carry all sizes of windshields.
- Very sturdy version, load capacity up to 250Kg.
- Made of electroplated steel, diameter: 30 mm.
- Resistant foam at the base of the trestle.

- 105 cm x 95 cm x 110 cm
6.700 kg

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Adjustable windshield trestle
- width multi-adjustable for different lengths and weights so as carry all sizes of windshields.
- Very sturdy version, load capacity up to 250Kg.
- Made of electroplated steel, diameter: 30 mm.
- Resistant foam at the base of the trestle.

- 105 cm x 95 cm x 110 cm
6.700 kg

Product Details

Data sheet

6.7 kg.
1 pièce
105cm x 95cm x 110 cm
8 ayn? kategorideki di?er ürünler:

Referans: STA668

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