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Metal resin injector for FIX injection bridge -2001 at VBSA - France
  • Metal resin injector for FIX injection bridge -2001 at VBSA - France
  • Metal resin injector for FIX injection bridge -2001 at VBSA - France
  • Metal resin injector for FIX injection bridge -2001 at VBSA - France

Metal resin injector for FIX-2001 injection bridge


Metal injector for windshield repair resin injection for FIX -2001 injection bridge

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Reference: 645


12V carbide drill for impact drilling

12V carbide drill supplied with integrated chuck lock, for drilling the impact point on your windshield before injecting the resin. Use with our 934, 4509w and 701 carbide drills. This drill can also be used with a felt for polishing the impact after repair. 4M cable extension

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Dry-out bottle for cleaning old impacts

Our dry out cleaner is specially formulated for cleaning and drying impacts or cracks before repairing your windshield. Ideal for cleaning old impacts that are more than 3 weeks old for optimum repair. 120ml bottle

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Battery-powered UV lamp for resin curing

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1300 REPAR'VIT JUNIOR windshield repair kit

REPAR'VIT® is used for various types of impact repairs: Bubble impacts Impacts with star-shaped bubbles Spangled impacts cracks Discover our glass repair case, complete with all the tools and accessories you need to carry out quality repairs to your windscreen. Ideal for professionals.

Reference: 438


Miniature windshield on display - Size 250x110 mm

Mini windshield on display 250 x 110 mm, we have intentionally created a space in the centre so that you can add your logo. This mini windshield allows the customer to see the result of the repair after an impact on the windshield. We recommend placing it at customer reception.

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Circular windshield impact protection stickers (customisable) - 100 pack

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Field of vision model to define windshield repair areas

REPAIR ZONE : Zone 2 : In this zone, repair is not authorised. Zone 1 : Where possible, repairs are authorised.. Using our field of vision template, you can easily determine the zones where repairs are possible or impossible. Refer to the AFNOR NF R19-601-1 standard, which sets out the different types of repair and the support processes required to...

Reference: FIX-2001


REPAR'VIT® FIX-2001 injection bridge for windshield repair

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