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Repareglass finishing resin lr-1-2OZ Standard Windshield repair France at VBSA
  • Repareglass finishing resin lr-1-2OZ Standard Windshield repair France at VBSA
  • Repareglass finishing resin lr-1-2OZ Standard Windshield repair France at VBSA
  • Repareglass finishing resin lr-1-2OZ Standard Windshield repair France at VBSA
  • Repareglass finishing resin lr-1-2OZ Standard Windshield repair France at VBSA

REPAREGLASS ® Standard windshield finishing resin


Discover our LR-1/2OZ REPAREGLASS® finishing resin for repairing windshield impacts, a high-resistance, long-lasting solution for restoring the transparency and strength of your car windows. (over 150 finishes)

15 ml bottle 

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Reference: 943


943 windshield repair pit finish resin

High-strength pit finish resin specially developed for repairs to damaged glass surfaces. With 1 pipette you can repair more than 60 items. VERY IMPORTANT FOR YOUR SAFETY: Our REPARBRISE resins comply with the AFNOR NF n°X50210 standard; on 01/01/87 and 30/09/2008 we passed the UTAC TEST European regulation n°43. Our REPARBRISE resins comply with the...

Reference: 438


Miniature windshield on display - Size 250x110 mm

Mini windshield on display 250 x 110 mm, we have intentionally created a space in the centre so that you can add your logo. This mini windshield allows the customer to see the result of the repair after an impact on the windshield. We recommend placing it at customer reception.

Reference: 439


Circular windshield impact protection stickers (customisable) - 100 pack

Round sticker Ø 3cm pack of 100 to personalise For impacted windshield, your customer has an impact and you can't repair it immediately. Protect the impact with our protective sticker for a few days, to avoid impurities in the windscreen. The round self-adhesive patch protects the impact. It protects it from moisture and impurities before the repair is...

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NITRILE elastic and stretch gloves (NON-POINTED)

Raw material: Nitrile rubber. Does not contain natural rubberized latex. The components used to manufacture gloves may cause allergic reactions in some users. Good quality nitrile gloves providing an excellent biological barrier. Store in a cool, dry place, avoiding excessive heat (40°C, 104°F). Open box must be protected from direct sunlight and UV...

Reference: GAB-VBSA


Field of vision model to define windshield repair areas

REPAIR ZONE : Zone 2 : In this zone, repair is not authorised. Zone 1 : Where possible, repairs are authorised.. Using our field of vision template, you can easily determine the zones where repairs are possible or impossible. Refer to the AFNOR NF R19-601-1 standard, which sets out the different types of repair and the support processes required to...




VOTED EQUIPMENT OF THE YEAR 2017: Read the article VBSA REVOLUTIONISES WINDSHIELD REPAIR  The TERMINATOR motorised windscreen repair kit is an injection process with a motor. It is so intuitive that even someone who doesn't repair windscreens on a daily basis is able to carry out perfect repairs. The operator no longer has to stand in front of the impact...

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TERMINATOR2 kit: New concept Multi-repairs

3-in-1 multi-repair!         NO MORE WAITING! VBSA REVOLUTIONISES WINDSCREEN REPAIRS  No more waiting to repair several impacts on the same windscreen or to move on to the next vehicle. Its STRENGTHS: Now you can carry out up to three repairs simultaneously! Compatible with the first-generation case Easily accessible battery Available as a module for the...

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Black protective nitrile gloves (powder-free), thick, special for various repairs

Give your hands optimum protection with our powder-free black nitrile gloves, designed for professional, all-purpose use. Recommendations for use : Store in a cool, dry place, away from excessive heat (maximum temperature: 40°C). Open tin to be protected from UV rays and direct exposure to sunlight. Packaging: Sold in boxes of 100 pieces, ideal for...

8 ayn? kategorideki di?er ürünler:

Referans: 921


Ön cam onarım enjeksiyon reçinesi 921 (AFNOR NF n°X50210 ve UTAC yönetmeliği n°43 ile uyumludur)

Ön cam darbelerini onarmak için 921 enjeksiyon reçinemizi keşfedin, araç camlarınızın şeffaflığını ve gücünü geri kazandırmak için yüksek mukavemetli, uzun ömürlü bir çözüm. REPARBRISE reçinelerimiz AFNOR NF n°X50210 standardına uygundur; 01/01/87 ve 30/09/2008 tarihlerinde UTAC TESTİ Avrupa yönetmeliği n°43'ü geçtik. REPARBRISE reçinelerimiz 01/02/01...

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Ön cam onarım son kat reçinesi 943

Eksik yüzey camını onarmak için özel olarak tasarlanmış yüksek mukavemetli son kat reçine. 1 pipet ile 60'tan fazla onarım gerçekleştirebilirsiniz. GÜVENLİĞİNİZ İÇİN ÇOK ÖNEMLİ: REPARBRISE reçinelerimiz AFNOR NF n°X50210 standardına uygundur; 01/01/87 ve 30/09/2008 tarihlerinde UTAC TESTİ Avrupa yönetmeliği n°43'ü geçtik. REPARBRISE reçinelerimiz 01/02/01...

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Standart REPAREGLASS® enjeksiyon reçinesi

Aracınızın camının şeffaflığını ve gücünü geri kazandırmak için yüksek mukavemetli, uzun ömürlü bir çözüm olan ön cam darbelerini onarmaya yönelik enjeksiyon reçinemizi keşfedin. (80'den fazla onarım). 15 ml'lik şişe

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Enjektörsüz ön cam enjeksiyon reçinesi (AFNOR & UTAC yönetmelik no. 43 uyumlu)

Ön cam enjeksiyon reçinesi enjektör olmadan tedarik edilir. Ön cam darbelerini onarmak için 921 enjeksiyon reçinemizi keşfedin, araç camlarınızın şeffaflığını ve gücünü geri kazandırmak için yüksek mukavemetli, uzun ömürlü bir çözüm. REPARBRISE reçinelerimiz AFNOR NF n°X50210 standardına uygundur; 01/01/87 ve 30/09/2008 tarihlerinde UTAC TESTİ Avrupa...


Darbeli onarımlar için özel REPARBRISE sarf malzemeleri paketi

REPARBRISE ÖN CAM ONARIM SARF MALZEMELERİ PAKETİ 15 ila 20 ONARIM! Size kolay ön cam onarımları için bir dizi temel sarf malzemesinden oluşan özel ön cam onarım sarf malzemeleri paketimizi sunuyoruz, yani : - 3 x REF-921N REPARBRISE Reçineleri (AFNOR & UTAC yönetmelik no. 43 uyumlu)  - 1 x REF-3200 Enjektör  - 1 x REF-943 Son işlem reçinesi - 1 x...