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Bi-component glass/metal bonding agent -10g Easy to bond glass and metal together and one on top of the other at VBSA
  • Bi-component glass/metal bonding agent -10g Easy to bond glass and metal together and one on top of the other at VBSA
  • Bi-component glass/metal bonding agent -10g Easy to bond glass and metal together and one on top of the other at VBSA
  • Bi-component glass/metal bonding agent -10g Easy to bond glass and metal together and one on top of the other at VBSA
  • Bi-component glass/metal bonding agent -10g Easy to bond glass and metal together and one on top of the other at VBSA
  • Bi-component glass/metal bonding agent -10g Easy to bond glass and metal together and one on top of the other at VBSA

Bi-component glass/metal bonding 3300 -10g


Easy to bond glass and metal together and on top of each other.

Temperature resistant from -20°C to + 80°C, with a short access to 120°C..

Drying time: 3min


Possibility to fill holes until 6mm.

Vertical application possible, good chemical resistance, transparent bonding.

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Accessoires indispensables

Nozzle for bonding 3300 and LOCTITE L3090 - Pack of 10
Nozzle for bonding 3300 and LOCTITE L3090 - Pack of 10
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