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Pressure vacuum pump for REPAR'VIT Senior 1320 kit at VBSA - France
  • Pressure vacuum pump for REPAR'VIT Senior 1320 kit at VBSA - France
  • Pressure vacuum pump for REPAR'VIT Senior 1320 kit at VBSA - France
  • Pressure vacuum pump for REPAR'VIT Senior 1320 kit at VBSA - France

Pressure vacuum pump for REPAR'VIT Senior 1320 kit


Vacuum pump delivered with hose ref.996 (quick connector on injector side and direct connection on pump)

The pressure vacuum pump is used to assist the repair of the impact on your windshield, by creating an air vacuum.

This helps to remove air and impurities from the impact before injecting the resin.

Alternating pressure vacuum/pressure with your pump will inject the resin uniformly into the impact.

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