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  • REPAR'VIT® NEW GENERATION WINDSHIELD REPAIR Tool box | case, repair, windscreen, tools, kit, accessories
  • REPAR'VIT® NEW GENERATION WINDSHIELD REPAIR Tool box | case, repair, windscreen, tools, kit, accessories
  • REPAR'VIT® NEW GENERATION WINDSHIELD REPAIR Tool box | case, repair, windscreen, tools, kit, accessories
  • REPAR'VIT® NEW GENERATION WINDSHIELD REPAIR Tool box | case, repair, windscreen, tools, kit, accessories
  • REPAR'VIT® NEW GENERATION WINDSHIELD REPAIR Tool box | case, repair, windscreen, tools, kit, accessories

REPAR'VIT® NEW GENERATION windshield impact repair kit


REPAR'VIT® is used and listed by a large number of car manufacturers.

Meets AFNOR NF n° X5021 and REACH standards.

Discover our glazing repair kit, complete with all the tools and accessories you need to carry out quality repairs to your windscreen. Ideal for professionals.

Accessoires indispensables

Specific repair kit for cracks
Specific repair kit for cracks
REPAREGLASS® Senior 1700 Tool box
REPAREGLASS® Senior 1700 Tool box

Repar’vit® New Generation Tool box
Accepted by the AFNOR NF norm n° X5021 and REACH norm


1 x Ref. 231 aluminium tool box

1 x Ref. 9620 New Injection bridge

1 x Ref. 1046  UV lamp 12V with timer

1 x Ref. 993  Pressure /vacuum pump

1 x Ref. 958  vacuum cup sealant

1 x Ref. 945  mirror

1 x Ref. 979  pen light

1 x Ref. 949  polish bottle

5 x Ref. 921  injection resin (between 25 and 40 repairs)

1 x Ref. 645  drill

1 x Ref. 934  drill bits

1 x Ref. 959  pen with carbide tip

1 x Ref. 948  scraper blades (x5)

1 x Ref. 943  pit finish resin (more than 60 repairs)

1 x Ref. 970  Mylar squares (x10)

1 x Ref. 539 Round UV Screen

1 x Réf. 634  Specials resins for cracks

1 x Ref. 969  long probe

1 x Ref. 974  syringe

1 x Ref. 996  hose

3 x Ref. 994  aluminium injector

3 x Ref. 994JOINT  injector plunger seals for aluminium injector ref. 994

1 x Ref. 995  injector seals for aluminium injector ref. 994

1 x Ref. 946  large pit adapter

1 x Ref. 971  polishing felt piece

1 x  operating guide

1 x  technical movie

Product Details
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