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VBSA France's retaining tool for metal trims and strips
  • VBSA France's retaining tool for metal trims and strips
  • VBSA France's retaining tool for metal trims and strips
  • VBSA France's retaining tool for metal trims and strips
  • VBSA France's retaining tool for metal trims and strips
  • VBSA France's retaining tool for metal trims and strips
  • VBSA France's retaining tool for metal trims and strips
  • VBSA France's retaining tool for metal trims and strips

Retaining tool for hubcaps and metal strips


To prevent the corners of hubcaps from sticking out, they are often attached with adhesive tape. However, this method carries risks: adhesives can react chemically with the vehicle's paintwork, causing damage.

The ideal solution? Our retaining tool, specially designed to secure hubcaps without compromising paint quality.

Advantages :

Optimum protection: Protects your vehicle's paintwork from any chemical or mechanical risk.

Ease of use: Quick installation and simple adjustments for practical, efficient use.

Durability: Made from resistant materials for intensive professional use.

Versatility: Perfect for holding cutting protection strips, ideal for protecting the windscreen bay when cutting the windscreen.

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Key features :

Mounting with integrated suction cup: Attaches securely to the bodywork, avoiding damage or the use of adhesive materials.

Sturdy plastic arms: Hold hubcaps firmly in place without damaging them.

Adjustable pressure: Thanks to a wing nut, you can easily adjust the pressure exerted for perfect adaptation to any situation.

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