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RAPTOR - Automatic ratchet and vacuum windshield cutting system at VBSA - France
  • RAPTOR - Automatic ratchet and vacuum windshield cutting system at VBSA - France
  • RAPTOR - Automatic ratchet and vacuum windshield cutting system at VBSA - France
  • RAPTOR - Automatic ratchet and vacuum windshield cutting system at VBSA - France
  • RAPTOR - Automatic ratchet and vacuum windshield cutting system at VBSA - France
  • RAPTOR - Automatic ratchet and vacuum windshield cutting system at VBSA - France
  • RAPTOR - Automatic ratchet and vacuum windshield cutting system at VBSA - France
  • RAPTOR - Automatic ratchet and vacuum windshield cutting system at VBSA - France
  • RAPTOR - Automatic ratchet and vacuum windshield cutting system at VBSA - France
  • RAPTOR - Automatic ratchet and vacuum windshield cutting system at VBSA - France

Windshield cutting system with automatic vacuum - RAPTOR


The  Raptor™ is a cord and wire auto glass removal device designed from the ground-up to dramatically improve the power of the vacuum cup with the integration of our AirForce™ Constant Vacuum Cups. This technology has been specifically developed to create a quick placement and constant vacuum to the glass so the Raptor™ stays in place and resists sliding.

- 1 x REF-RAPTOR-APPAREIL (vacuum + ratchet + charger)
- 1 x REF-XKD-22- 1 Square wire 22ml
- 1 x REF-G-KNYL-L  1 Nylon gloves with Polyurethane palm
- 1 x REF-DST-734 1 Wire threader
- 1 x REF-SB-880  1 Safety glasses
- 4 x REF-848031AIGUILLE  Wire threader
- 1 x REF-MS180 1 Installation stick
- 1 x REF-MRC1105-R3  1 hook

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Empty RAPTOR case
Empty RAPTOR case
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