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Cold knife blade


This special blade reaches the urethane between the wheel cover and the side of the windshield.
Its unique shape allows you to unbond the windshield with a cold knife, without having removed the wheel cover (also bond) before.
Once the windshield is removed, you can unbond the wheel cover, wihtout risking to damage the remaining material.
- Sold individually
- 129 x 59 x 20 mm
- 20 g

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Special cold knife blade 30 mm
Special cold knife blade 30 mm
Special cold knife blade 60 mm
Special cold knife blade 60 mm

This special blade reaches the urethane between the wheel cover and the side of the windshield.
Its unique shape allows you to unbond the windshield with a cold knife, without having removed the wheel cover (also bond) before.
Once the windshield is removed, you can unbond the wheel cover, wihtout risking to damage the remaining material.
- Sold individually
- 129 x 59 x 20 mm
- 20 g

Product Details
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