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Lame 30 Mm Pour Coupe A Froid Dépose pare-brise France
  • Lame 30 Mm Pour Coupe A Froid Dépose pare-brise France

Special cold knife blade 30 mm


This blade series enables you to use a cold knife where you could never use it before !

The 60 mm long blade is
intended to cut all those hard to reach PU bondings that are far away from the glasses edge and where a normal
cold knife blade could never reach. But also all lower
glass edges with surmounting wings and bonnets are a
perfect field of application for this blade. The 30 mm
version makes it even easier to cut across the lower glass
edge if the PU bonding is not shifted from the edge.

Special cold knife blade 30 mm, made of stainless steel, use
for low lying bondings - Sold individually

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Special cold knife blade 60 mm
Special cold knife blade 60 mm

This blade series enables you to use a cold knife where you could never use it before !

The 60 mm long blade is
intended to cut all those hard to reach PU bondings that are far away from the glasses edge and where a normal
cold knife blade could never reach. But also all lower
glass edges with surmounting wings and bonnets are a
perfect field of application for this blade. The 30 mm
version makes it even easier to cut across the lower glass
edge if the PU bonding is not shifted from the edge.

Special cold knife blade 30 mm, made of stainless steel, use
for low lying bondings - Sold individually

Product Details

Data sheet

À l'unité
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