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1300 REPAR'VIT JUNIOR windshield repair kit


REPAR'VIT® is used for various types of impact repairs:

  • Bubble impacts
  • Impacts with star-shaped bubbles
  • Spangled impacts
  • cracks

Discover our glass repair case, complete with all the tools and accessories you need to carry out quality repairs to your windscreen. Ideal for professionals.

Accessoires indispensables

Pack of special REPARBRISE consumables for impact repairs
Pack of special REPARBRISE consumables for impact repairs
REPAR'VIT® NEW GENERATION windshield impact repair kit
REPAR'VIT® NEW GENERATION windshield impact repair kit
Glass-primer 1412 for repairing missing glass on windshields
Glass-primer 1412 for repairing missing glass on windshields
Dry-out bottle for cleaning old impacts
Dry-out bottle for cleaning old impacts
Windshield heater for impact repair
Windshield heater for impact repair
Infrared thermometer for glass temperature control
Infrared thermometer for glass temperature control
Miniature 220V/12V cigarette lighter voltage transformers
Miniature 220V/12V cigarette lighter voltage transformers

This windshield repair kit is similar to the REPAR'VIT®.

The pump is more powerful in operating pressure / vacuum, it is the only product changing
Consumables available on request.
Delivered in a small kit

1 x Ref. 238 1 plastic tool box
1 x Ref. FIX-2001 1 bridge
1 x Ref. UVB-150-T 1 UV lamp on battery
1 x Réf. PMP-ADVANTAGE 1 Pressure /vacuum pump
1 x Ref. 958 vacuum cup sealant
1 x Ref 949 1 polish bottle
1 x Ref. 934 1 drill bit
1 x Ref. HOS-2000 1 hose
1 x Ref. 948 5 scraper blades
1 x Ref. 971 1 polishing felt piece
1 x Ref. 945 1 mirror
1 x Ref. 645 1 drill
1 x Ref. RS-2030 5 syringes + 3 special nozzles for a syringe
1 x Ref. LR-136 1 injection resin Repareglass 15 ml
1 x Ref. LR-943 1 pit finish resin Repareglass
1 x Ref. 970 Mylar squares (x10)
1 x Ref. 959 1 pen with carbide tip
1 x Ref. 979 1 pen light
1 operating guide

Technical movie not available for this repair kit

Product Details
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