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  • Injector for windshield repair resin for KIT-1320 - TERMINATOR 1 ET 2 at VBSA - France
  • Injector for windshield repair resin for KIT-1320 - TERMINATOR 1 ET 2 at VBSA - France
  • Injector for windshield repair resin for KIT-1320 - TERMINATOR 1 ET 2 at VBSA - France
  • Injector for windshield repair resin for KIT-1320 - TERMINATOR 1 ET 2 at VBSA - France
  • Injector for windshield repair resin for KIT-1320 - TERMINATOR 1 ET 2 at VBSA - France

Injector for windshield repair resin for KIT-1320 - TERMINATOR 1 AND 2


Injector allowing you to inject windshield repair resin using a pressure vacuum pump.

Used in KIT-1320 - TERMINATOR 1 AND 2, fits perfectly with our vertical or reversed windshield adaptor ref. ADAPT-PBV.

It is suggested that you also order the injector to avoid leaks due to wear of the seal:

- To replace the seal in contact with the windshield, use ref. 995.

- To replace the seal in the plunger, where the resin is integrated, use ref.994JOINT.

If the plunger is lost, you can recommend it under ref.994CLAP

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Accessoires indispensables

Seal for Injector 994 - windshield impact repair
Seal for Injector 994 - windshield impact repair
Product Details
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