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EQUALIZER® cutting nozzle for windshield bonding or other applications from VBSA - France
  • EQUALIZER® cutting nozzle for windshield bonding or other applications from VBSA - France
  • EQUALIZER® cutting nozzle for windshield bonding or other applications from VBSA - France
  • EQUALIZER® cutting nozzle for windshield bonding or other applications from VBSA - France

EQUALIZER® cutting nozzle tools for windshield bonding or other applications


Equalizer® VNT306 nozzle clamp The nozzle clamp makes it fast- curing and easy to make an exact V-notch in the nozzle tip of the polyurethane cartridge. This is important for efficient work! Because a bonding bead has to be applied with care. Simply cut the nozzle tip to the required opening width, insert the pliers into the opening as far as they will go and squeeze the handles. You've cut a perfect V-shaped notch. This quality chrome-plated tool has special steel jaws, a spring-loaded mechanism that opens the jaws, and plastic handles with safety locks for secure handling. 

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