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Replacement piston for injection bridge 2000, 367, 9620 and suction cup GEZ-543-1 at VBSA - France
  • Replacement piston for injection bridge 2000, 367, 9620 and suction cup GEZ-543-1 at VBSA - France
  • Replacement piston for injection bridge 2000, 367, 9620 and suction cup GEZ-543-1 at VBSA - France
  • Replacement piston for injection bridge 2000, 367, 9620 and suction cup GEZ-543-1 at VBSA - France
  • Replacement piston for injection bridge 2000, 367, 9620 and suction cup GEZ-543-1 at VBSA - France

Replacement plunger piston for injection bridge and suction cup


Replacement piston for our bridges REF-2000, REF-367, REF-9620, and our suction cup REF-GEZ-543-1.

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Accessoires indispensables

9620 REPARBRISE® aluminium injection bridge for windshield repairs
9620 REPARBRISE® aluminium injection bridge for windshield repairs
Injection bridge 367 REPAR'VIT® special Windshield Repair
Injection bridge 367 REPAR'VIT® special Windshield Repair
REPAR'VIT® double-adjustable injection bridge for flat windshields
REPAR'VIT® double-adjustable injection bridge for flat windshields
Product Details
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